Patented Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Technology

What is 8th Generation ED Technology?

Every medication used to treat erectile dysfunction successfully during the past 40 years has been linked, either alone or in combination, to six significant advancements in ED technology, plus new breakthrough that was just developed for the non-surgical removal of penile fibrosis.

In years before that time, the prevailing medical thought was that issues with erectile dysfunction were in a patient’s mind and could be improved with therapeutic counseling emphasizing a more relaxed approach to sex. Today, we understand that psychological issues only come into play in a small number of ED cases. 

Morganstern clinic was a key pioneer in early iterations of penile performance care. That shaped our role as a driving force behind the next generation of breakthroughs to lead urology well into the 21nd Century.

It is noteworthy that the use of platelet rich plasma injections (PRP) into the penis, either alone or in conjunction with another operation or treatment, is still a common ED “remedy” used by doctors who lack expertise.Since the body eliminates all of the therapeutic cells injected into the penis within 48 hours, PRP has been shown to have absolutely no benefit for penile performance and only temporarily increases penile girth for sometimes outrageous amounts of money. For this reason, it was left off of this list of breakthroughs.

Your “EDD” is derived from our comprehensive testing and scoring system on every factor affecting sexual performance.

Sadly, most men receiving ED treatment never learn why their erections aren’t working; instead, they simply are persuaded to try other therapies without first having an exact urologic diagnosis on exactly what’s not working and why.

We frequently hear about a list of causes of erectile dysfunction that is almost as long as the number of causes of cancer. What really keeps us from performing at our best?

Most insurance policies including Medicare cover the costs of all the testing to determine what’s wrong and score your EDD.

We provide affordable solutions to get you back to your best performance. 

Ready to make ED symptoms a thing of the past?

Click or tap here to learn how to get started at Morganstern Health today.

Eight big breakthroughs in the treatment of erectile dysfunction

1. 1960: Vacuum Erection Device (VED’s)

2. 1975: Penile Prosthetic Implant

3. 1983: Penile Injection Therapy

4. 1996: Hormone Replacement Therapy

5. 1998: “The Little Blue Pill”

6. 2006: Low Intensity Shockwave Therapy

5. 2016: ExoSurge Penile Fibrous Plaques Removal

2028: Morningstar: Comprehensive Organic Function Restoration

1st Generation ED Technology: Vacuum Erection Device (VED’s)


Although iterations of VED’s (vacuum erection devices) were innovated as early as the late 1800’s, the first version that found its way into physician-based ED care was launched in 1960. In 1979, insurance began reimbursing for new and improved VED’s, and they remained the most popular therapeutic for erectile dysfunction for about two decades.

Primary Limitations

  • Loss of sexual spontaneity: Breaks the “mood” 
  • Embarrassment if a single male
  • Unable to resolve all cases of ED

Morganstern innovated the design of the first VED to become clinically approved for insurance and used by urologists in 1979

2nd Generation ED Technology Breakthrough: Penile Prosthetic Implants


Following the fervor caused by the introduction of a prototype inflatable prosthetic at the 1973 AUA convention in New York, the first three-part inflatable was introduced in 1983. Continually improved versions have followed. Inflatable penile implants remain the gold standard for severe erectile dysfunction.

Primary Limitations

  • Some loss of penile length
  • Loss of glans and shaft rigidity over time
  • Must be surgically replaced after 10 years, often resulting in additional loss of size





Morganstern was among the very first urologists in the world to begin surgical implantation of penile prosthetic implants and was among the four selected to train urologists in the procedure

3rd Generation ED Breakthrough: Penile Injection Therapy


The introduction of (PGE), also known as prostaglandin, alprostadil or trimix for treating erectile dysfunction through direct drug injection into one of the corpora (penis organ) was the third major ED innovation.

Direct injection of PGE immediately causes the blood vessels to expand, which triggers an erection.

Primary Limitations

  • Pain from injections, embarrassment
  • The needle injector can cause penile plaque / Peyronie’s disease after extended use
  • Limited shelf life of drug – must be refrigerated


Morganstern was among the very first urologists in the world to launch PGE for treating erectile dysfunction. In 2020, Morganstern combined its breakthrough Peyronie’s treatment (7th Generation technology) with PGE injections to create a safer version of penile injection therapy

4th Generation ED Technology Breakthrough: Hormone Replacement Therapy


Through hypogonadism and/or aging, men’s bodies sometimes fail to produce adequate amounts of testosterone to adequately fuel a good erection.

After extensive testing in the late 70’s, testosterone therapy went mainstream in the 1990’s. Continued innovations with hormone therapy make it an essential part of ED care today.

Primary Limitations
• Improvements with erectile dysfunction are limited to patients with a hormone deficiency

Morganstern urology was America’s first private practice urology clinic to launch bioidentical pellets for use in hormone optimization for erectile dysfunction

5th Generation ED Breakthrough: “The Little Blue Pill”


The introduction of Viagra as the first of several new oral vasodilators (PDE-5 inhibitors), which relax muscles and arteries in the penis to help drive an erection, was an important breakthrough that provided convenient “at home” ED therapy for men around the globe.

The expiration of key patents associated with PDE-5 inhibitors this opened the door for low-priced generics in 2020, increasing demand and usage.

Primary Limitations
• Improvement is usually limited to patients diagnosed with mild venous leakage.
• Patients with select pre-existing conditions are not good candidates for PDE-5 inhibitors

Morganstern urology was the only private clinic in the world to be included in the original trials for Viagra®

6th Generation ED Technology Breakthrough: Extracorporeal Low Intensity Shockwave Therapy


Low Intensity Shockwave Therapy, also known as (Li-ESWT or LISWT) leverages weakly concentrated shock waves that trigger minuscule levels of microtrauma to treated areas, thereby triggering the body’s injury response system to react with biologics suited to helping heal the vascular tissue that causes venous leakage.

Shockwave therapy for ED first originated in eastern Europe in about 2006. Although considered experimental by the AUA, MorgansternHealth employed Li-ESWT longer than any private urology clinic in America and standardized its role in the treatment of select cases of erectile dysfunction.

Primary Limitations
• Not FDA Cleared or Approved for treating erectile dysfunction (no matter what you hear or read elsewhere)
• Provides limited therapeutic value in certain cases. Heals select cases of venous leakage, which can often be treated with cheaper PDE5 inhibitors.


Morganstern was among the world’s first urologists to employ shockwave therapy for treating erectile dysfunction, starting in 2008

7th Generation ED Technology Breakthrough: Non-Surgical Removal of Penile Fibrous Plaques


Most often associated with Peyronie’s disease, the buildup of fibrous plaques in the soft tissue of the penis is also a common source for erectile dysfunction, as this scar tissue can block or hinder adequate arterial blood flow into the penis required for an erection.

While a couple of FDA-cleared therapeutics touted success treating symptoms of plaque in the penis, Morganstern’s ExoSurge® technology is the first and only clinically-proven method for permanent removal of Peyronie’s fibrosis.

Primary Limitations
• Not yet FDA approved. Trials to begin in 2026
• Out of area patients must pay most of the cost of therapeutics, since insurance presently only covers therapy once every two weeks
• Long established, dense fibrosis can require a substantial number of treatments to repair

Morganstern Biomedical invented and patented ExoSurge® technology, the world’s first clinically proven technology to permanently remove penile fibrosis

8th Generation ED Technology Breakthrough: Comprehensive Organic Penile Function Restoration


Available now for patient care

Aside from surgical removal of the natural organ and installing a prosthetic penile implant or shooting up the penile shaft with PGE1 / alprostadil, there’s never been a way to restore erectile performance in almost every case, regardless of existing health diagnosis or history with repeated failure – until now.

Primary Limitations
• Not FDA Approved
• Most Therapeutics Not Covered by Insurance
• Requires Repeat Office Visits

Morganstern’s 8th Generation ED technology combines every therapeutic we’ve pioneered over the last four decades plus some new patented breakthroughs. We can now restore natural, organic penile function to nearly every man, regardless of preexisting condition or related diagnosis.

Since its still under development and refinement, we don’t expect this technology to be available to urologists until 2028, but we can now treat patients at our flagship clinic in Atlanta who would otherwise be denied natural performance and told that a prosthetic implant is their only option.

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