Penis Enlargement Surgery: Risks & Effectiveness

What is penis enlargement surgery?
Penis enlargement surgery is a surgical procedure to make the penis larger in length, width, or both.
This may be accomplished successfully by using a man’s own body tissue to enlarge his penis and retain full performance.
The skilled surgeon produces permanent increases in length and girth surgery results. This differs from non-surgical procedures that may involve filler injections or traction devices.
Recovery time may be shorter than you think. Ask one of our patient reps.
What are the risks of penis enlargement surgery?
There are risks and complications to be considered with enlargement surgery. The risks are most often tied to the surgeon or practitioner selected.
Plastic surgeons are not recommended. They may be more equipped for silicone work and breast implants.
The function of a penis is vast and should be maintained as a prime consideration. Reviewed third-party studies, experience, and testing all matter.
The media often downplays penis enlargement surgery as they have seen negative implications and complications from new, inexperienced, and often unqualified practitioners.
Permanent male enlargement surgery can be life-changing for many men. Research and consultations are the 2 first steps in finding the best doctor for you.
Choosing a Surgeon
Selecting an experienced doctor is the key to a successful outcome.
Urologists who have consistently positive results and a minimum of 500 cases are good candidates to consider.
Look at the before and after penis surgery photos to see their work. At Morganstern Health, we encourage our new patients to read our medical and online reviews.
Costs are certainly a factor, but look at long-term reviews of plastic surgeons in Tijuana, India, and other overseas clinics. Safety and effectiveness should be paramount in making a decision on a provider.
Who gets enlargement surgery?
The men who seek out penis enlargements often were born with a smaller penis compared to others or just do not feel they are big enough.
Many suffer from insecurities about their length and may have been made fun of in the past.
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Others fear the moment of new intimacies or feel they are inadequate to please their partners.
They are looking for a permanent solution that Viagra or implants did not achieve.
The surgery team at Morganstern Health are compassionate about the psychological effects that may lead to depression and anxiety.
Penile Atrophy
Due to the natural aging process, medical conditions, prescription drug side effects, and genetic predispositions, countless men suffer from atrophy of the penis, resulting in loss of self-confidence and performance from reduced size and tightness.
At Morganstern Health, our augmentation and rejuvenation procedures can enhance and improve those areas with maximum results and minimal recovery time.
Correcting for Penile Shrinkage
It is estimated that without preventative measures a 30-year-old man will lose between a half inch to one full inch of penile length1 by age 70 on average
This is often referred to as penile shrinkage. As men grow older, blood flow to the penis diminishes because of fatty deposits within the blood stream. These deposits start to trigger blockage in the tubes that supply blood and cause a reduction in muscle mass within the corpus cavernous (penile organ).
As the tubes that supply blood become constricted, erections become smaller and less firm. Another factor with reductions is known as sagging, which is discussed more fully at WebMD2.
Many enlargement options are available to correct penile shrinkage or shortening as men age.
With Morganstern Health’s advanced enhancement enlargement procedures, the patient is able to regain these losses and often get even more length than before, thereby preserving functionality, performance, and a sense of well-being.
Both lengthening and widening procedures are available at our men’s clinic. We also provide both surgical and non-surgical penis augmentation options.
Girth Procedures
Looking to reverse the loss of thickness of your penis from aging?
As a result of aging, various health diagnoses and certain surgical procedures, many men experience a reduction in the force behind their vascular blood flow, according to the National Center of Biotechnology Information (NCBI)3.
A negative side effect of vascular insufficiency is that penile girth shrinks because of the reduced volume and force of blood flow available to maintain the corpus cavernosum (penile organ).
Since the penis organ is situated on the very edge of the human body, any noticeable reduction in vascular force is going to impact how large it appears, particularly when the penis is flaccid.
Morganstern Health offers both surgical and non-surgical procedures that will improve penile girth complications.
Reduction and Decreased Performance from Weight Gain or Excess Skin
Another common diagnosis is a noticeable reduction in sexual performance from weight gain and/or an engorged pubic fat pad, located just above the organ, as researched and documented by VeryWell Urological Health4.
Excess weight in this area can visibly cause shrinkage the penis by drawing it inward within the adipose tissue atop the pelvic bone. In extreme cases, the penis becomes known as buried or hidden penis.
Some men struggle with this sort of penile shrinkage even without being significantly overweight. They are simply genetically predisposed to maintain an inordinately larger pubic fat pad, leaving them smaller.
Procedure to Correct Excess Scrotal Tissue
Excessive scrotal body that crowds around the base of the penis is a relatively common source of less visible length and a reduced ability to achieve maximum penetration depth.
The tissue build-up bunches around the penile base and is most commonly considered a genetic trait but some speculate significant changes in bodyweight could trigger such build-up.
Morganstern Health provides a unique and successful solution to this condition known as its Foundoplasty – where the excess skin at the base of the penis and top of the scrotum is excised and parts of the removed tissue is used to slightly reposition the base of the penis at the pelvic bone to jut out further.
The combination of creating a visibly longer and jutted penis provides a sometimes extraordinary outcome from a relatively simple procedure and less downtime than more extensive enlargement procedures.
Penoscrotal Webbing Procedures
Penoscrotal webbing (aka webbed penis) is yet another diagnosis that inhibits performance. This condition has been well-researched and is not new.
It can occur both genetically and from a botched circumcision at birth. It’s manifested when the full thickness scrotal skin adheres to the ventral penile skin.
Many patients aren’t even aware they have a less pronounced penoscrotal condition, having lived with it their entire adult life. However, rectifying the condition often results in an increase of an inch or more in visible penile length, and significant upsurge in penetration depth.
Resolving more severe cases through scrotoplasty surgery is often life changing for both self-image and sexual performance. While a prototypical urologist will only remove what’s clinically necessary to overcome the diagnosis, Morganstern takes extra time and care to sculpt the tissue in a manner that provides the absolute maximum increase in penile appearance and penetration.
Morganstern Health provides a wide variety of augmentation procedures plus multiple variations of fat pad reduction to help resolve complications from weight gain and diagnosis related to excess or deformed skin within the penile region.
Penis Enlargement Addresses Prescription Drug Effects
Several of the more powerful stimulant drugs prescribed for weight loss, depression, and a popular drug used to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) have been noted to trigger a reduction in penis size.
The most popular drug prescribed for ADD or ADHD diagnosis has been shown to potentially trigger a reduction in penile size.
Clinical studies in this regard are still in their infancy but the primary problem appears rooted in the fact it breaks down the protein elastin which is present in the penis in sinusoids, arterioles, and in the tunica albuginea.
Any breakdown of this tissue would result in penile shrinkage in both the flaccid and erect states from constricted blood flow.
Another potential penile problem that could be generated by this popular stimulant comes from its powerful signaling properties (a drug aspect that makes it successful treating ADD).
The potential for a subsequent cascade in the muscle cells within the penis could result in tissue death, and subsequently – a smaller penis.
Some medical practitioners theorize that any reduction should return after the medication is no longer prescribed. However, a growing number of men within online forums claim otherwise and the matter is now being researched by university studies in the future.
The good news is that Morganstern Health offers a wide array of surgical and non-surgical augmentation procedures that can easily offset the penile shrinkage effects from select prescription drugs.
Average Size
Sexual organ size is a genetically determined trait which most men had no control over since birth. Those born with less than average penis sizes often suffer from negative self-image beginning at a young age when peer comparisons first begin.
Some of the problem is rooted in the false assumptions regarding what’s actually average.
While the pop culture response to average erect length is six inches – a detailed clinical study published in the official peer-reviewed medical journal, the British Journal of Urology International (BJUI) of the British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS)5 revealed average is actually quite smaller than the six inch pop culture myth.
What is an average penis length?
Reports from the detailed study show the following results:
- Average length of a flaccid penis: 9.16 centimeters (about 3.6 inches)
- Average length of a flaccid stretched penis: 13.24 cm (about 5.3 inches)
- Average length of an erect penis: 13.12 cm (about 5.2 inches)
- Average circumference of a flaccid penis: 9.31cm (about 3.7 inches)
- Average circumference of an erect penis: 11.66 cm (about 4.6 inches)
A man with a micro penis diagnosis (two inches or less in length, when erect) is often the most socially traumatized by his genetic predisposition.
Many patients we surgically extended with a micro-penile diagnosis confessed to years of celibacy because of their inborn condition. This is not something plastic surgery can fix. A urology surgeon is needed.
Some men confuse aspects of buried and / or hidden penis with micro penis, equating a shrinkage when flaccid because of an oversized pubic fat pad-based penile withdrawal to its micro equivalent.
They are not the same thing. If such a patient can press down at the base of their penis and achieve length in excess of two inches when erect, their size is not a urological diagnosis for micro penis.
Our proprietary micropenile surgical lengthening procedure, invented and performed by one of the leading penile urologic plastic surgeons in America, provides the absolute most additional length your body will safely allow to increase penile length.
Diabetes and Penis Enlargement
Diabetes and other factors can negatively contribute to male medical issues and reductions in length and width.
Common causes include:
- Aging
- Type-2 Diabetes
- Prostate Cancer
- Genetic Predisposition
- Prescription Drug Side Effects
Medical outcomes from these conditions affect millions of men each year.
At Morganstern Health, we provide both non-surgical injections plus minimally-invasive surgical solutions for penile augmentation and rejuvenation.
We will discuss our many options with you during your confidential male-to-male phone consultation and help you choose which option is best for you and your individual condition.
All procedures are performed our in-office surgical center in Atlanta, some in as little as one hour. See measurable improvement, lasting results, and minimal recovery times.
Have a question about whether you are a good candidate for the procedure? Call our office at 404-352-8220.
Medical Reference
1 Medical News Today “What is penis shrinkage and why does it happen” February 12, 2020
2 WebMD, LLC “How does your penis change as you age” February 1, 2019 and Archives of Sexual Behavior: “Aging and sexual function in men”
3 Dicks, Dr. Brian, Bastuba, Martin, Goldstein, Irwin “Penile Revascularization” Asian Journal of Andrology January 15, 2013 and Onen E., Kayıgil Onder, Okulu E, Aldemir Mustafa “Penile revascularization in vasculogenic erectile dysfunction (ED)”: long-term follow-up. British Journal of Urology International (BJUI). 2011;109:109–15. [Google Scholar]
4 VeryWell: Urological Health About, Inc. “Can a Penis Get Smaller Permanently” Medical review by Jason DelCollo, Dr. of Osteopathic Medicine November 19, 2019
5 Miles, Sarah, Bramley, Sally, Muir, Gordon, (Dr. of Urology) Beale, David, Hodsoll John. Am I normal? A systematic review and construction of nomograms for flaccid and erect penis length and circumference. British Journal of Urology International (BJUI). 2015;115(6):978-86. doi:10.1111/bju.13010.