When will other urologists begin offering ExoSurge technology to patients?

ExoSurge® and Our Partner Urologists

ExoSurge® technology is science-driven, supported by extensive in-clinic use and ongoing clinical research.

We’ve already invested over 20 years and $20 million determining the extracellular matrix and etiology underlying each manifestation of Peyronie’s disease. We are aware that safety and efficacy are of utmost importance to urologists and that choosing to work with a new technology puts their reputation at risk.

The first and only device of its kind designed specifically to permanently eliminate the Peyronie’s plaques and penile fibrosis that cause a Peyronie’s diagnosis is the ExoSurge® Inter-fibrinous Pulsed Gas and Drug Technology (IPG). It does this safely and without causing any collateral tissue damage. ExoSurge® offers a new approach to treating Peyronie’s disease, with high patient satisfaction for a conservative procedure. This approach can be used for patients with long-standing penile fibrosis or calcified plaques, patients with active phase penile injuries, patients with early-stage Peyronie’s symptoms like diffuse penile fibrosis, or as preventative care for patients who do not have symptoms but have measurable penile fibrosis that is detected by ultrasound.


ExoSurge®: Permanent Removal of Fibrous Plaques

Urologists need a long-term solution where improvement is quantifiably confirmed through baseline and follow-up duplex Doppler sonogram imagery and where most or all of the cost of care is covered by insurance if they want Peyronie’s care to become a desirable and expanding part of their practice.

Through our research, we were able to identify and quantify the underlying etiology of Peyronie’s and we’ve combined this data into our treatment technology so clinicians will have a clear roadmap for each case.

Urologists will be able to reinvent Peyronie's patient care

Peyronie’s Care Reimagined

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Preventative Peyronie’s Care

We’ve developed testing which provides indication if a patient is at high risk of ending up with Peyronie’s in the future urologists can include as a part of routine screenings. 

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Active Phase Peyronie’s Solution 

ExoSurge® proved 100% effective treating recent acute penile injury cases still in the active phase.

Not only did ExoSurge therapy eliminate acute pain within about a week after starting treatments but also healed injured tissue and halted the build up of fibrosis before it became a problem in all cases.

Established Cases: Treating Asymptomatic Peyronie’s Disease 

The methodical IPG process of breaking down and permanently removing penile fibrosis and plaques is a game-changing new tool for Peyronie’s care.

It’s not curvature / symptom-based. Rather, it treats the underlying cause.

Asymptotic patients now get effective care.

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Early Stage Peyronie’s Detection and Repair

ExoSurge® paves the way for preventative care in asymptomatic patients who exhibit plaque and fibrosis during pre-screening ultrasound while being evaluated for other urologic disorders such as erectile dysfunction.

The technology proved effective treating diffuse plaque as discovered from duplex Doppler sonogram images (early stage Peyronie’s), completely healing the disease before it became problematic.

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Established Case: Healing all cases regardless of pre-existing conditions or calcified plaque

ExoSurge® Inter-fibrinous Pulsated Gas and Drug Technology (IPG) delivers a treatment that is well tolerated, generates no heat or collateral tissue damage, requires no patient downtime or anesthesia,and works without regard to patient skin color.

The methodical IPG process of breaking down and permanently removing penile fibrosis and plaques is a game-changing new tool for Peyronie’s care whether with fibrous tissue from recent injury, thick and dense long established fibrotic tissue, even heavily calcified plaque.



The ExoSurge® IPG device is capable of selective disruption of the fibrotic masses that make up Peyronie’s plaques. That means can you not only remove Peyronie’s fibrosis from long established cases, but you can also immediately treat acute penile injury cases long before the plaque gets established. 

As a conservative therapeutic procedure requiring no downtime or anesthesia, this represents a new way to treat Peyronie’s disease and improve patient care. 

Five issued patents, 12 patents and provisionals filed both nationally and internationally

Important Breakthroughs from ExoSurge® IPG Technology for Urologists

1. ExoSurge® Inter-fibrinous Pulsated Gas and Drug Technology (IPG) delivers a treatment that is well tolerated, generates no heat or collateral tissue damage, requires no patient downtime or anesthesia, and works without regard to patient skin color.

2. The methodical IPG process of breaking down and permanently removing penile fibrosis and plaques is a game-changing new tool for Peyronie’s care.

3. ExoSurge® proved effective treating recent acute penile injury cases still in the active phase. Not only did ExoSurge therapy eliminate acute pain within about a week after starting treatments but also healed injured tissue and halted the build up of fibrosis before it became a problem in 100% of cases.

4. The technology proved effective treating diffuse plaque as discovered from duplex Doppler sonogram images (early stage Peyronie’s), completely healing the disease before it became problematic.

5. ExoSurge® paves the way for preventative care in asymptomatic patients who exhibit plaque and fibrosis during pre-screening ultrasound while being evaluated for other urologic disorders such as erectile dysfunction.

6. ExoSurge® treatments can be performed by a urologist or their support staff such as a nurse practitioner, physician’s assist or licensed medical doctor.

7. The device can conveniently be stored in the corner of an exam room between uses. It’s complete size is approximately 48 inches tall by 24 inches wide.

New Surgical Adjunct for Peyronie's patients for other urologists

Peyronie’s Surgery: Major New Advancement

When Kenneth Jeffery Carney, MD PharmD joined our institute as Chief medical Officer after leaving Emory, he viewed ExoSurge in a somewhat different light that our technology’s primary inventor, Steven L. Morganstern, MD. Whereas Dr. Morganstern’s vision with Peyronie’s care was a complete conservative solution, Dr. Carney began exploring ideas where ExoSurge technology could be used adjunctively with surgery to create faster and improved outcomes for severe cases.

While this version Of ExoSurge technology is still under development, Dr. Carney was able to successfully perform a Peyronie’s plication procedure without any loss of penile length as an adjunct to ExoSurge therapy.  Peyronie’s plication has long been established as the surgery with the least likelihood of post-surgical complications when it comes to penile function and sensation, but it sometimes results in substantialness of penile length. This new adjunctive track could help change all of that. 

When this test patient first arrived for care, he presented with 80 degree erect curvature, with long established, large, and dense fibrous plaques in both calcified and non-calcified states. 

ExoSurge technology and protocols were able to removes plaques and reduce the patient’s erect curvature to about thirty degrees. Dr. Carney then employed plication surgery which resulted in complete restoration of pre-Peyronie’s penile length and girth and a totally straight penis.

We believe this new pathway might be a valuable option for our urology clinician partners in the future. 

Prospective Clinical Trials

We anticipate starting prospective clinical trials in early 2026, including human trials, conducted under IRB supervision which will have been submitted to the FDA for permanent removal of penile fibrosis and Peyronie’s plaques.

Following achievement of an FDA-indication, we will seek insurance reimbursement for all or see aspects of ExoSurge treatments will launch the ExoSurge® Inter-fibrinous Pulsated Gas Technology (IPG) (the device is not currently available for sale) into domestic US, followed by international distribution and position the technology as the standard of care for Peyronie’s disease.

Are you ready to heal your Peyronie's?

Schedule an in-office evaluation or one-one-one phone consultation
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